
Runners (53)

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  • TeamCRC 14646.2 miles
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Group Mileage Log:

    Recent Activity

    This race ended 08/01/20 - check out the final activity below.

    OR start a new challenge here!

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    • sasnipes Aug 1, 2020
      3.1 miles
      With Heather and Kenan - Carrboro, NC, USA
    • alpsforever Aug 1, 2020
      2.9 miles
      post climbing run with beautiful sunset 🌞🔥 - Carrboro, NC, USA
    • alpsforever Aug 1, 2020
      1.5 miles
      approach pilot mountain cliff - Pilot Mountain State Park, Pilot Knob Park Road, Pinnacle, NC, USA
    • EmmaA Aug 1, 2020
      11.0 miles
       6th Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
    • danhirschman Aug 1, 2020
      6.0 miles
      Very early in the am. Did not love the running at OBX. Something about beach humidity and lack of shade! Heading home for the muggy goodness of the ATT tomorrow!
       Longest personal streak grows to 47 days at 6.71 miles/day.
    • SarahE Aug 1, 2020
      2.8 miles
      Johnston Mill Nature Preserve
    • Bilzo Aug 1, 2020
      7.1 miles
      N chatham loop
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 156 days at 6.97 miles/day.
    • ashlovelace Aug 1, 2020
      11.5 miles
       6th Longest personal run.
    • Marywangen Aug 1, 2020
      1.1 miles
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 16 days at 6.78 miles/day.
    • stevebaker Aug 1, 2020
      5.7 miles
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 4.66 miles/day.  Longest personal run.  Ran 100.0 miles in 22 days a PR.
    • N8isCOOL Aug 1, 2020
      10.7 miles
    • Marywangen July 31, 2020
      1.0 miles
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 15 days at 6.02 miles/day.
    • Bilzo July 31, 2020
      5.0 miles
      Full steam run and bonus mile
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 155 days at 6.97 miles/day.
    • Consuela July 31, 2020
      3.3 miles
      last day of our miles recording, it has been fun doing this
       Longest personal streak grows to 19 days at 5.78 miles/day.
    • alpsforever July 31, 2020
      2.9 miles
      in between meeting run 🔥🌞 - Carrboro, NC, USA
    • danhirschman July 31, 2020
      5.0 miles
      Was going to fartlek, but running down here is too damn unpleasant, so shortened it and kept it easy.
    • stevebaker July 31, 2020
      4.7 miles
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 4.53 miles/day.  Passed 1 runner.
    • alpsforever July 31, 2020
      2.8 miles
      After party run 🌞🔥 - Carrboro, NC, USA
    • EmmaA July 31, 2020
      7.0 miles
    • N8isCOOL July 31, 2020
      4.0 miles
       Extends streak to 4 days.
    • Marywangen July 31, 2020
      17.0 miles
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 15 days at 7.09 miles/day.  Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.  Ran 100.0 miles (+6.3 miles) in 14 days a PR.
    • johnrees July 30, 2020
      5.0 miles
      Last run here
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 3.66 miles/day.
    • Bilzo July 30, 2020
      1.0 miles
      Walk laps at work
    • Bilzo July 30, 2020
      7.0 miles
      Mason farm loop
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 154 days at 6.97 miles/day.
    • yazey July 30, 2020
      3.0 miles
    • yazey July 30, 2020
      1.0 miles
       Passed 1 runner.
    • Marywangen July 30, 2020
      4.4 miles
    • SarahE July 30, 2020
      7.0 miles
    • Consuela July 30, 2020
      3.1 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 18 days at 5.92 miles/day.
    • stevebaker July 30, 2020
      3.5 miles
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.  4th Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 4.50 miles/day.  Passed 2 runners.
    • sasnipes July 30, 2020
      3.2 miles
      Morning trot with Heather and Kenan - Carrboro, NC, USA
    • Marywangen July 30, 2020
      1.6 miles
    • damonseils July 30, 2020
      3.5 miles
      - Ocean Isle Beach, NC, USA
       9th Longest personal run of this race.  Back after 10 days.
    • hmbucurel July 30, 2020
      3.1 miles
      Carrboro morning run with Andy & Kenan - Carrboro, NC, USA
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • N8isCOOL July 30, 2020
      8.0 miles
      2 mi u/up 4xmile, 2 mi cd
    • RobinR July 30, 2020
      5.0 miles
       7th Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 5.05 miles/day.  Passed 1 runner.
    • Marywangen July 30, 2020
      1.6 miles
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 14 days at 5.95 miles/day.
    • danhirschman July 30, 2020
      4.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 45 days at 6.77 miles/day.
    • alpsforever July 29, 2020
      2.9 miles
      Wrapping up the day with cool run by night 🌞 - Carrboro, NC, USA
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 12 days at 2.97 miles/day.
    • danhirschman July 29, 2020
      6.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 6.83 miles/day.
    • RobinR July 29, 2020
      5.1 miles
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Marywangen July 29, 2020
      1.0 miles
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 13 days at 6.29 miles/day.
    • ashlovelace July 29, 2020
      5.2 miles
      early morning hill repeats
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Bilzo July 29, 2020
      6.6 miles
      Assorted Track morning fun
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 153 days at 6.97 miles/day.
    • stevebaker July 29, 2020
      4.8 miles
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 4.67 miles/day.
    • EmmaA July 29, 2020
      6.0 miles
    • johnrees July 29, 2020
      3.1 miles
       7th Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 3.34 miles/day.
    • N8isCOOL July 29, 2020
      5.0 miles
    • Consuela July 29, 2020
      5.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 17 days at 6.09 miles/day.  Passed 1 runner.
    • Bilzo July 28, 2020
      6.2 miles
      Att 10k
    • Bilzo July 28, 2020
      1.1 miles
      Lunch walk laps
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 152 days at 6.93 miles/day.
    • alpsforever July 28, 2020
      3.4 miles
      Back on the trail and enjoying cooler temperatures 🌞 - Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, Mount Sinai Road, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.  5th Longest personal streak grows to 11 days at 2.98 miles/day.
    • SarahE July 28, 2020
      4.0 miles
      Couple laps around Occoneechee Speedway
       Passed 1 runner.
    • Marywangen July 28, 2020
      5.1 miles
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 12 days at 6.73 miles/day.
    • RobinR July 28, 2020
      5.5 miles
    • sasnipes July 28, 2020
      2.7 miles
      CGTC with Heather - Carrboro, NC, USA
    • danhirschman July 28, 2020
      5.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 43 days at 6.85 miles/day.
    • Tina1 July 28, 2020
      3.5 miles
      Run with exercise stops. So humid!!
    • N8isCOOL July 28, 2020
      6.0 miles
      I took my temp after this... and it was 100F (came back down to my standard 97 within a few min) ... it’s hot out there y’all.
    • hmbucurel July 28, 2020
      2.6 miles
      CGTC track workout week 9 with Andy
    • stevebaker July 28, 2020
      5.0 miles
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 4.64 miles/day.
    • yazey July 28, 2020
      1.0 miles
    • EmmaA July 28, 2020
      2.0 miles
    • johnrees July 28, 2020
      2.3 miles
      Short hike at elk knob state park - back woods trail
    • Consuela July 28, 2020
      4.1 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 16 days at 6.16 miles/day.
    • ashlovelace July 27, 2020
      4.0 miles
    • jontweedy July 27, 2020
      4.5 miles
      Running files by a coffee walk.
    • alpsforever July 27, 2020
      2.8 miles
      embrace the heat 🔥🌞 - Carrboro, NC, USA
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 2.93 miles/day.
    • johnrees July 27, 2020
      4.3 miles
      Hike up to Elk knob
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 1 runner.
    • Marywangen July 27, 2020
      3.0 miles
    • Jill2 July 27, 2020
      4.5 miles
      Ran the bike path on Roanoke island.
       7th Longest personal run.  Passed 2 runners.
    • Tina1 July 27, 2020
      3.0 miles
      Walk on Tanyard Branch Trail
    • Consuela July 27, 2020
      10.0 miles
       2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 15 days at 6.29 miles/day.  Passed 1 runner.
    • danhirschman July 27, 2020
      3.0 miles
      Easy. OBX
       Longest personal streak grows to 42 days at 6.89 miles/day.
    • stevebaker July 27, 2020
      5.0 miles
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 4.55 miles/day.  5th Longest personal run.
    • Marywangen July 27, 2020
      4.4 miles
       9th Longest personal run of this race this month.  5th Longest personal streak grows to 11 days at 6.60 miles/day.
    • Bilzo July 27, 2020
      3.3 miles
      Hatteras loop
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 151 days at 6.96 miles/day.
    • BH July 27, 2020
      2.0 miles
    • tarnel9 July 27, 2020
      3.1 miles
       Passed 1 runner.
    • EmmaA July 27, 2020
      3.0 miles
    • RobinR July 27, 2020
      4.6 miles
       9th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Bilzo July 27, 2020
      1.5 miles
      Sandy ridge. NWR Hike
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 151 days at 6.95 miles/day.
    • jessnsean July 26, 2020
      5.7 miles
      Birding Pondicherry. Blue-headed vireo. Northern Parula. Chestnut-Sided Warbler. Sorry, don't invite a birder to an exercise challenge...
       Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 8.36 miles/day.  8th Longest personal run.
    • yazey July 26, 2020
      4.4 miles
      Run at sunset
       2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 1 runner.
    • Marykw July 26, 2020
      7.4 miles
       7th Longest personal run.
    • ashlovelace July 26, 2020
      5.0 miles
      Duke Pond
    • del_STwmEg July 26, 2020
      2.5 miles
      Podcast walk
    • Consuela July 26, 2020
      5.0 miles
      walk thru RTP with my husband a lot of empty office space available
       Longest personal streak grows to 14 days at 6.03 miles/day.
    • stevebaker July 26, 2020
      3.0 miles
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • SarahE July 26, 2020
      6.0 miles
      2 very rough laps on Buehler Trail
       Passed 2 runners.
    • Marywangen July 26, 2020
      7.8 miles
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.  5th Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 6.66 miles/day.
    • marcushe July 26, 2020
      6.2 miles
      Purple Bowl
       Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 1 runner.
    • StephCRC July 26, 2020
      4.0 miles
      Oof, super hot walk to deliver a pint cup to a pub runner. Underestimated the heat and the distance.
    • ashleyp July 26, 2020
      10.0 miles
    • Kev2026 July 26, 2020
      3.9 miles
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • johnrees July 26, 2020
      3.6 miles
      Evening fireworks walk in Raleigh
    • del_STwmEg July 26, 2020
      5.5 miles
      It’s not on Garmin, so did it happen? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 6.05 miles/day.
    • emmacalabrese July 26, 2020
      6.0 miles
    • StephCRC July 26, 2020
      6.0 miles
      Chatted on the phone with Shauna!
       Passed 1 runner.
    • tarnel9 July 26, 2020
      4.1 miles
      Morning walk
    • see more...
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    Log Activity

    This race ended 08/01/20 - check out the final activity here.

    OR start a new challenge here!


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    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • StephCRC June 24, 2020
      I'm pulling for @EmmaA to overtake everyone and finish in first place!
      Hahaha!! Thanks Steph!!
      I’m pretty psyched to see the bilzo v danhirschman throw down!
      All I have to do is start recording all my walks from the home office to the kitchen every day and it won’t even be close! 😂
      And @EmmaA I’m glad to provide some entertainment! 😂. I guess this is the closest thing we have to organized sports right now. 🤷‍♂️
    • StephCRC May 29, 2020
      Yea yea @hammeringhank can we keep going? I promise to up my mileage to help get us toward the finish line!!!
      @StephCRC @danhirschman Extended to 7/01! Maybe we can recruit another dozen racers to help us get there? (Special growler raffle for new entrants who log >50 miles?)
    • danhirschman May 28, 2020
      New York City!!! Also, I renew my request to keep this going. I want to at least make it to Idaho!
    • danhirschman May 22, 2020
      Can we keep this going past 6/1? Why not finish this?
    • danhirschman May 21, 2020
      Back in NC! Hello OBX!
    • YixKix May 15, 2020
      Our team has entered North Carolina, but we don't even pass by Carrboro! I was looking to sleep in my own bed for the first time in more than a month :-)
    • danhirschman May 14, 2020
      Approaching the N.C. border!
    • RacerySupport May 14, 2020
      @StephCRC I'm falling behind.
      Better light that fire under your fert then!
      *feet 😆
      Approaching the N.C. border!
    • Andy.Dwyer Apr 6, 2020
      Soooo.... who planned this route and why does it appear to purposely avoid North Dakota? I see it dips into ND for a couple miles, but hardly enough to do it justice!
      I think it's based on the following road trip map that hits all lower 48 states and a national park/landmark/historic site at each one.
      Haha, it's very close, but even the map in the link you provided goes through a lot more of ND. If anything, the map you provided is evidence that whoever created our course has an axe to grind with ND! :)
      Take it up with @hammeringhank !
      @Andy.Dwyer sorry, guess a warm south wind was blowing!
    • RacerySupport Apr 6, 2020
      Hey all! Check out the new Google Street Views, which will now show the team's location.
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    About + Join

    • From: Grand Canyon
    • To: Grand Canyon
    • Start date: April 1, 2020
    • End date: August 1, 2020
    • 0:00 EST
    • 23:59 EST
    • Route distance: 14,259.1 miles
    • Total logged: 14,646.2 miles
    Just because we can't travel in real life doesn't mean we can't tour the country with our running. Covid-19 can't take all of our fun away.

    Exercise anywhere you want. Then log activity and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. Catch a Google street view of your virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest runs!

    We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
    1. We rely on the honor system... you don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices.
    2. Only exercising miles please! (NOTE: miles on a racer's personal log are for all races they are in, across all sports)
    3. Please attribute your activity to the appropriate day -- don't combine workouts from multiple days.
    4. Please only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.
    5. Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
    No mileage submitted yet.